An Entrepreneur’s Birthday Wish

Chia Anyaegbu
4 min readNov 23, 2017


This is a real thing and if you can get this for me, I will owe you my time, skill and mind. Those are my most valuable possessions right now.

I can’t help but follow my dreams. A sweet current flows from my brain to my heart and then to the rest of my body when I visualise how successful my business could be. I just want to follow my dreams wisely! I don’t want the same ‘ol entrepreneur’s story as my story. I just don’t. Fail Fail Fail Fail WIN. Nooo! Failing hurts! I am 24 years old and I look like shit because I hardly sleep or spend on beauty products anymore. There are things that I’d love to do but don’t see as my number one priority. Nevertheless, I do want to look pretty and have guys stare when I walk passed. I used to have that. 4 years ago, I was a sexy fox until something ignited this fire to create and impact lives. It engulfed my priorities list and turned it into ashes.

My birthday is in 4 days and all I can think about is how much work I can cram around the day. I don’t want to buy a dress or celebrate anything. That shit costs money, one. And two, I’d rather be in my room drawing up my next moves. Dreaming. Do you know what the greatest birthday gift would be?

A paid-for and highly effective;

  1. Personal assistant
  2. Project manager
  3. Mentor

Friend: “Hey Chia, what do you want for your birthday?”

Me: “A paid-for and highly effective personal assistant, project manager or mentor” (don’t forget the smiley face and *Kanye Shrug*)

Am I asking for too much?

Perfume will be great if I could spray that shit on my bank account and its long-lasting fragrance diffuses in the form of zeros. Better still, spray it on me and every time someone caught a whiff they would be obsessed with buying my products/service. Hell yeah! If not, f**k perfume! Its fragrance fades and it runs out. I want a non-tangible, inexhaustive gift this year. I want something that will elevate my current status. Take me to the next level of execution. So that by my next birthday, I can talk about achievements and lessons learnt in the past year not gather empty perfume bottles.

Lessons To Be Learnt

  1. I want to know when it’s a bad investment.
  2. I see so many opportunities to impact lives and make money. My ideas always impact lives first then I start finetuning the idea to add streams of revenue. How do you know if or when to balance it out?
  3. I want to know how to fund my dream without running into debt.
  4. I wish I had a prompt to tell me when not to take up another project. How do you handle taking up more than one project?
  5. Is it always better to complete tasks based on priority or convenience if you are always on the move?

What’s this Dream Anyway?

Phot by Antwuan Malone

My vision is to embed ‘Giving’ into the everyday lifestyle of our society. I realised there’s no difference between a Humanitarian and the rest of us. Everyone genuinely feels good when they help others. The only difference is, humanitarians are willing to go out of their way to help others. But, what if we didn’t have to go out of our way? What if all the fun stuff you liked to do was helping others in need? Would social issues be solved quickly because there are more people helping out? What if our common actions were the missing pieces for the greater good? A day out running errands as simple as shopping, a night out, brunch, buying candles or topping up your fuel tank. These thoughts led to the creation of TAHG and TAHG Social. TAHG is an abbreviation that stands for Think About His Goodness. It’s a clothing brand and Social Enterprise symbolized by our trademarked red puzzle piece which serves as a reminder to choose kindness in your daily interactions. We aim to stand as a universal challenge to do One Good for One Person, Each Day. Who knows, you might end up on the other end of the stick. You might just be someone else's challenge for the day.

This is a continuation of my previous post “Entrepreneurship- The Shitty Phase!” Read it now on Medium

Call to Action

Style up nice whilst helping others by shopping with TAHG. We make Giving fun! Are you in the UK? Follow us on Instagram.



Chia Anyaegbu

Social Entrepreneur, Founder of TAHG, Gap-tooth Radio, and Host at TAHG Social.. I write to decompress.