
Chia Anyaegbu
5 min readSep 10, 2022


13 July 2020

Blasphemy! Blasphemy!

Yes, I am a Christian.

Good! Now we’ve gotten that out of the way, I need you to take a deep breath in, open your mind then… exhale.

I have a theory that Adam was born of Eve and not the other way around. By born, I don’t necessarily mean gave birth to Adam as an infant. I mean, Adam was made from Eve or by Eve. It’s either Eve was created first or God is female. Because birth and creation are synonymous with the Female not the male. I’ll speak on my concept of God another day.

I think the female of all that exists was created first then by the breath/Spirit of God like the Virgin Mary, she bore and nurtured God’s creations. It is the woman’s very nature to multiply, nurture and tend in fact. Already aware of all things good and evil, there was one rule: “Do not share this knowledge (fruit) with your partner”. Out of protection and love she shares it with Adam.

To be honest, this part is still a bit shady in my head and there are several ways the narrative could go to make a compelling story, however, my story would’ve narrated along the lines of understanding the timing. Even the original story admits that the Woman became self-aware first. However, ‘how long for’ has never been discussed. How long was she self-aware before sharing it with Adam? Was it minutes, hours, days, years, decades, or even centuries?


Embarrassed that he’d been in the dark the entire time, the man’s ego caused him to twist the story to elevate their now-known weakness to the woman as the woman’s fault. Her selfless love allowed his version of the story because she knew the truth is not in words or perception.

The truth remains the truth and life in itself always reveals it in good time. Men only beat us to it by publishing a story that has the world believing the lies that we take up in every aspect of our reality today.

For the sake of argument, let’s say Eve was made from the rib of Adam. What does that say to you? To me, it says Adam is missing a rib and Eve?… well Eve is complete. She’s not missing anything. She is whole. A rib, small as it may be but nevertheless complete in its state, function and role.

Someone asked me the other day “Is the bible the word of God?” and my honest answer is “No, it’s not”. The texts in red are the direct words of Jesus Christ and have been highlighted for a reason. I believe the red texts are the Word of God. As for the rest of it, the bible says

“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.” 2 Timothy 3:16

The Man (Moses) who wrote the story of creation was inspired by God obviously, but no one was there to corroborate the story. Inspiration is an influence of someone else’s truth fused with your reality. If you pause for a moment to think about what it was like in the times the scriptures were written, you start to see that the biggest problem with understanding scripture is failing to acknowledge the context/times in which the book was written. In these times (14th century BCE), women were wives, mothers, peasants, artisans, or nuns.

The way the Europeans spread propaganda and controlled the narrative of the perception of Africans. Africans have forgotten that they are Queens and Kings. In the same way, women have forgotten that they are the superior gender. Stories, media, society and family constantly shape our minds from infancy to adulthood but there comes a day of reckoning for each person when you sit back in deep thought and connect the dots. The patterns become so clear and it’s like you are being introduced to the subject for the first time. That’s what happened to me today.

This post is to remind you, women are superior to men. I am not saying men are not important. We need both energies and species for a balanced world but the concept that a woman is less, weak, confused etc is total bullocks.

We need to be more deliberate in our choices as women. You can be whoever and whatever you decide to be. We have everything it takes. We are literally made up of the cells, energy and spirit it takes to create and generate life. However, if you have decided to take the backstage, which, is cool too. Be intentional! Understand that power doesn’t lie in who takes the front stage. Think about the puppeteer or the ventriloquist. The crowd sees, focuses and claps for the entertaining puppet/doll (what they see and hear) but the real action, the real intelligence and genius behind it all, takes place backstage.

The authority Man portrays today is only an illusion controlled by the influence of a woman.

Influence is far greater than authority. We rule the fucking world!

Oh, woman, I wish you knew.

I wish you truly knew who you are.

The giver of life and taker of destinies.

The cause and the effect.

You are the truth.

The truth prevails

Acknowledge or not. Like it or not.

No amount of ego, narcissism, misogyny, ignorance or religion

can conceal the truth.

The only WAY into the world.

The TRUTH of life.

The giver of LIFE to man.

God made you everything. God made you whole, complete!

A man with no proof or witnesses wrote Genesis

Why didn’t God just create Jesus like he created Adam? Why was Jesus brought from a woman and not moulded with dust? It’s because there were witnesses to tell us.

What’s my proof of this theory?

History! History of the female existence repeating itself screams

“Female is a creator,

Female gives life

Female is a nurturer.

History screams mother earth!

“Adam was born of Eve.”

You came really close when you said: “Behind every great man is a woman.” Indeed! This is true. However, you’re only scratching the surface my darlings.

To say thank you for getting to the end. Use this code GTRW0MAN10 to Get 10% off the WOMAN PAWA tee from TAHG Summer Collection. Say it loud, and wear it proud!

I hope no one reads any of this but if you do, keep it between us.

Originally published at https://gap-toothradio.medium.com on September 10, 2022.



Chia Anyaegbu

Social Entrepreneur, Founder of TAHG, Gap-tooth Radio, and Host at TAHG Social.. I write to decompress. www.gaptoothradio.com www.thetahg.com